Jan [ John ] Amos Comenius
This isn't a Chinese name - No - he was actually Czech: Jan Amos Komenský
So why is he relevant to Chinesegardenscene, then ?
Well firstly and formostly - he rightly deserves the title of:
The Father of Modern Education
In 1657, he published, a book called " The Great Didactic."
In it, he explained the " Thinking Way," to teach by DIFFERENTIATION.
In addition to this, as a very spiritual man - he gave due credit to"
Yes, friends of China & Chinese gardens & penjing - there lies your greatest link.
Please visit APuritan'sMind.com, through LINKAGE: Jan Amos Comenius
and scroll down to the section commencing:
" Some principles Comenius observed in nature, applicable to education."
So, we repeat, our plea for your discernment.......