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Huangshan Pine

This is not about me, nor even you really, so much as those who came before, in a :

place, stage, setting, situation, scenery, described, represented, environment for specific activity, interest, display of emotion, or chosen field of endeavour.

Scholar's Cabinet Plate

Secondly, do you agree that :

( these are hardly new words, for in fact they were written around the start of the first Century C.E )

We are not talking here of seasonal changes though, are we;

no -  if we relate today:-

           Does commercialism help us to walk a popular path ?

Through adversity and affliction, some of us are privileged to have to delve into the deepest recesses of self.

‘ seeking to uncover purpose. ’

‘ constantly meditate on the nature of what you learn. ’

When we seek to create; do we heed the words of the original potter ?

Focus therefore on the nature of short poppies, to humble yourself always, in the scene of Chinese gardens & penjing.

Sea side wind swept treeDo you let the wonder of nature, incite you to direction ?

Be that, up high, in rocky mountain cliff faces....

Rocky cliff face mountain - landscape penjing

Down low, in craggy coastlines....

Craggy coastline -  landscape penjing

or even behind, in dense bush...

Bush clad coastline - landscape penjing

To appreciate, honour and respect the culture of what has come before.

Only then, I believe; you can truly come to know the true depth of meaning behind such terms like:

‘ reclusive Chinese garden scholars. ’ and

literati penjing style. ’

literati penjing & literati painting

For these are not necessarily terms, we can easily associate in the changing Chinese garden scene of today.

Think of the greatness of the nature, that incited the miniaturisation of landscapes, in the beginning.

Sun Rising at Mt. Huangshan

We can only ever hope to imitate this grandeur, in our human endeavour.

" Clipper " has his say!

I say:

  • Keep alive this origin and heritage
  • Honour the rights, of the forefathers of it's creation.
  • Ask frequently, if we are following a path for rightful representation?
  • Do we seek this purpose, over temporary tourists and hobbyists?
  • Are we paying constant attention to it's preservation, also?

I am not asking you to like what you hear, or step outside, your comfort zone.

I am simply asking you to maintain a healthy scepticism for human information obesity and do not put your faith in every word.

            Rather, never forsake the origin and heritage.

Borrow the view to embrace it’s wonder and abound in it’s acknowledged beauty, for future generations to come.

Because all of us need mentors, at one time or another.

We borrow here and we borrow there, because that is the limitation and nature of human endeavour.

It is imperfect and innocent, at best.


‘ Whatever things are true,

  Whatever things are of serious concern,

  Whatever things are righteous,

  Whatever praiseworthy thing there is,

  Continue considering these things.’

( these words also, were written around the start of the first Century C.E )

jj’s   thoughts of seeking sagacity;

in the timelessness, of Chinese cultural art forms.

Trees 'N Pots Rav 4 PenjingOr is that my Rave for Chinese art culture, gardens & penjing ?

The car won't last; yet will the message ?
