" It would not pay, to have kept account of the cost, to research, establish and maintain, what hopefully has resulted in China's Garden Art, exemplary website...ChineseGardenScene.cn "
Acts 20:35
" ....there is more happiness in giving, than there is in receiving."
Luke 21:4
" For all these dropped in gifts, out of their surplus, but this woman, out of her want, dropped in all the means of living she had."
2 Corinthians 8:13-15
" For I do not mean for it to be easy for others, but hard on You; but that by means of an equalizing Your surplus just now might offset their deficiency, in order that their surplus might also come to offset Your deficiency, that an equalizing might take place. Just as it is written:
" The person with much, did not have too much and the person with little, did not have too little."
In ' Simplified English,' what is the relevance of these scriptures ?
FIRST....Bible words, were written a long time ago, for our benefit.
SECOND....GIVING is more rewarding, than receiving.
THIRD.....it is not what or how much you give, that is important.
FOURTH.....would You agree rather, it is the spirit of willingness to give.
FIFTH.....the form that giving takes, is secondary to the gift.
SIXTH.....Your gifts are appreciated by those, who feel a need for them.
SEVENTH......Your time, given for righteous purpose is a precious gift.
What has Altruism, got to do with philanthropy,
philosophy and / or religion?
Social behaviors are mainly selfish in nature, benefiting individuals ?
" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. "
" There is more happiness in giving, than there is in receiving." ?
Pure altruism is giving without regard to reward or the benefits of recognition and need.
because nothing is forever, set in concrete....
except a past that is now behind....
Have You bothered yet, about origins, about heritage, about roots ?
I hope that one day, my sons will wish to search;
for some of their roots [ I have found ] - are embedded in the soil of China.
Yes - on their mother's side - their Great, Great Grandfather was
Wong Koon Yau, who passed away in Suva, Fiji, in 1957;
born in Zhongshan 中山 a city in the south of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong province in southern China.
Originally a county renamed in honour of Dr. Sun Zhongshan, who is also known as Dr. Sun Yat-Senand considered by many to be the:
" Father of Modern China."
Dr. Sun was born in Cuiheng village [ now part of Nanlang Town ] just outside of downtown Zhongshan.
a private foundation, that purposes;
to balance, harmonize and prolong, human endeavor -
through a father & hopefully, his sons efforts -
towards the advocacy and preservation of an art culture.
Postmen in the Mountains......
This is a quiet, powerful drama about the relationship between a son and his father, whose work as a postman in the remote West China mountain community keeps him away from home. To deliver the mail to the scattered settlements and farms he travels on foot up and down rugged tree-covered mountains . The now aging father expects his son to take over his route, only to learn that his son plans to leave for the city. When the father falls ill the son agrees to help him. The youth learns that his father does far more than simply deliver the mail to the people; he is a connecting link to the people in this dispersed community.
1998, Color, 90 min, Screenplay: Si Wu Director: Huo Jianqi Cinematographer: Zhao Lei Cast: Teng Rujun, Liu Ye.
Country Teachers.......
This is a homage to China’s hard-pressed highly dedicated, but poorly paid teachers who work in the rural country schools. For the truly committed, their goal is preparing Chinese children to advance to a higher level of education. Unhappily assigned to a country school is a bright, young woman who hoped for a more prestigious position. Her stay at the school, working with the children and the teachers, exposes her to a deeper understanding of the significance of learning and the meaning of community in the lives of the children.
1993, Color, 90 min, Director: He Qun Cinematographer: Meng Weibing Cast: Li Baotian, Ju Xue, Xiu Zongdi, Wang Xueqi.
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