"....That land yonder, which has been laid desolate, has become like the garden of Eden...."
these words were scribed around 600 years Before the start of the 1st Century Common Era
Please click on Donhong-Oai forLINKAGE to Vermillion Editions Limited, L.L.C
Natures colours at Panda Lake, Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan
" Natural order was not invented by the human mind or set up by certain perceptive powers.....The existence of order presupposes the existence of organising intelligence. Such intelligence can be none other than God's."
Dieu existe ? Qui ( Paris 1979 ) Pierre-Paul Grasse - French Academy of Sciences.
" For everything there is an appointed time...."
These words were scribed back in 1512 BCE ( Before Common Era ) in the wilderness;
Architects like NOX/Lars Spuybroek, of Rotterdam;
can nowadays produce multi-dimensional media for amazing sensory experience.
Please visit one of their exhibition designs for the National Art Museum of China, through LINKAGE: