- to mark with one's sign or seal
- to affix a seal to, as proof of authenticity, etc.
- to close or secure with, or as if, with a seal.
Chinese Penjing Artists Association of Australasia Incorporated
- This is the proper order for the Chinese translation, according to;
Good Characters, Inc.
- The word penjing already implies it's Chinese origin.
- Chinese style penjing associations in Hong Kong & Taiwan, etc.
also do not explicitly include the word Chinese or China.
- Including " Chinese or China " in the Chinese name will result in,
double meanings and create confusion.
- CPAAA, Inc. could be mistaken as the sub-group of the,
existing China Penjing Artists Association and that,
( whilst we would like to be considered, so privileged );
certainly is not the correct interpretation.
For further information about Good Characters, Inc.
Please visit them, through LINKAGE:
Seven Reasons for a Good Chinese Name