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China Earthquake map

Earthquake damage to inner city building structures.

Fire in a tourist venue, that could have happened as an isolated incident; or as the result of an Earthquake.

Street flooding outside, what could very easily be the walls of a Chinese garden.

If and / or when, these disasters strike; whether natural or man-made -

The first thing You and your guests are going to want to find, is the nearest....

Exit signEXIT to SAFETY

Was the highlighting of personal hygiene, throughout China in the 1930's & 1940's;

were the Patriotic Hygiene Campaigns of the 1950's & 1980's just propaganda  ?

Please visit Stefan Landsberger's account, through LINKAGE:

 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's " competent governance of the body's natural functions "

You be the judge - whether or not, these forefathers of a nation -

knew something visionary, for what lay ahead.......

We all have them - don't we ?

Let us discreetly ask though, when was the last time, you reviewed it's content ?

Please visit one through The Hongkong Electric Co.,Ltd, LINKAGE:

            QUALITY Policy

Have we developed and continually updated, it's Health & Safety document ?

These disaster risks are potentially, a very EXPLOSIVE FORCE and some would have them represent a PROTECTION too.

This starts with as simple a matter as....

Open  - Yíng ye` 营 业  that's right... Information We`n xu`n chǔ 问 讯 处  

The intent here is to show clearly in universal & illustrative language, where something is - not the semantics of language purity.

Safety First   An quán dì yī  安 全 第 一    Entrance Ru` kǒu 入 口


Danger Wēi xian  危 险  because of  Wet Paint Yóu qī we`i ga`n 油 漆 未 干

then we can look to the training manuals....

Please visit through the Safe & Secure TV Channel - Occupational Health & Safety Programs, LINKAGE:

Disaster preparedness  -  Keeping the workplace safe  -  Emergency   

Next of Kin Registry         

Please visit the nokr.org, through LINKAGE:

          2008   LIVE SAFE  BE  PREPARED

Next of Kin Registry

Have You taken the first steps......

The 9999 Steps, Baishui Village, South China.The first few are more important, sometimes, than the next 9999.

because of the 9999 steps, Baishui Village is called 'the No.1 Step in South China'.

The steps extend 6.6 kilometres, cross 3 mountains and connect with 2 natural lakes….

Please visit earthquakecountry.info, through LINKAGE:

                         7 Steps to Earthquake Safety

Then consider......

10 Essential items to have on hand for emergency preparedness.

Or, perhaps the NZ  / Kiwi suggested " Shopping List of Survival Items."

And adapt this, to consider Your specific region and extra or lesser needs....

Please visit, through chinatraderonline.com LINKAGE:      Emergency Dynamo Charger
