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Ruins of the Yuanming Yuan - 1709 " Garden of Perfection & Brightness."Ruins of the Yuanming Yuan - 1709           " Garden of Perfection & Brightness."

Please visit the Robert H. N. Ho Foundation, through LINKAGE;

                Preserve Chinese Heritage and Culture

In Lou Qingxi's book " Chinese Gardens, " translated by Zhang Lei & Yu Hong and published as one of the Cultural China Series, by China Intercontinental Press;

On page 148 ( and I quote ) it says.....

" The development of human being's civilization is based on mutual understanding, tolerance and respect. Famous gardens, being plundered and razed are not only the disasters of the civilization, but also the shame of human beings. To protect gardens and cultural relics are human being's collective responsibility."

Please visit the CHP, through LINKAGE:

Qing Dynasty Treasure Endangered: Appeal to Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Preservation - Ke Yuan

The above article featured in the CHP Heritage Update e-newsletter Volume 3  Issue 11 of November 28th,   2008.

        Ke Yuan Conserved or Destroyed ?

A furtherance of purpose.....

       In Chinese - Ke Yuan

and  In English - Ke Yuan


Trees in Pots Limited - established initial contact with the CHP, back in early 2007 and discussed at that time - the hope that they would include Classical Chinese Gardens within the scope of " cultural heritage assets,"  and the CHP shared such a view.

Guarding LionsWho guards ?

Please visit the University of Pennsylvania Press, through LINKAGE:

   " Place and Memory in the Singing Crane Garden." - Vera Schwarcz.

Please visit Ms Changhua Wu, Greater China Director, through LINKAGE:


And         The Climate Group

Please visit Mr. Charlie McElwee, Environmental Lawyer, through LINKAGE:

                    Chinese Way

Please visit, through LINKAGE:      How different to the West ?

If it interests you, scroll down the left side of their web site and watch the videos China Environmental Law 1 and / or  2.

An unfortunate identity - for a flat-bottomed Chinese sailing boat ?

Please visit Chinese Junk Preservation, through LINKAGE:

                   FREE CHINA

And / Or       Journey Clip

