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A Raindrop seems so insignificant, yet.

Even before we fully consider adding the " elements," to a Chinese garden;

there are inherent " elements of nature," already provided, for.

  • Dew
  • Fog
  • Hail
  • Mist
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Sunshine
  • Wind

these are all taken into account, in design principles, right from the outset.

Some of the Elements of a Chinese garden, covered with a soft white fluffy coating of elemental' snow.

It's not - yet it could well be today [ 16th June 2009 ] in the Dunedin Chinese Garden, where snow made it down as far as the seashore, in coastal Otago, New Zealand.

See if you can focus deep within this elemental nature,

to unearth, the singular spectacle of each element.....

A singular digitised representation of a snow crystal, shown in contrast to square architectural elements.

Please visit SnowCrystals.com, through LINKAGE:

                      Looking closely at the different types of snowflakes.

Out from the sky - they fall..........

the beautiful blue sky.

A beautiful sky view through the roof lines of the Summer Palace - photo courtesy of Mr. Lulu Gifford via Ms Zhang Jia.

An integral part of the ' elemental nature,' is also the seasons and whilst we specifically deal with that topic later;

suffice here to example the beautiful tints of Autumn leaves.....

Golden Autumn tints, through Ginkgo leaves & nuts, by photographer Aomorikuma.

and Friends - have You ever REALLY SEEN green before ?

From a photo album - titled " Uncompleted Journey," by Ms Ang Lynda.

From the trees that adorn the landscape........

Tall slender tree lined East Lake, China - photo courtesy of Mr. Lulu Gifford via Ms Zhang Jia.
