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Venice - Watertown of Italy

Venice - Watertown, by night.

Please visit Architecture.com through LINKAGE:

The Venetian Palace

Please visit  old-picture.com, through LINKAGE:

The Palace [ Colour photo from 1890-1900 ]

Please visit Xi'an Jiantong-Liverpool University, through LINKAGE:

Suzhou City - ' Oriental Venice.'

Please visit DimSum - The British community website, through LINKAGE:

Conservation & Development - Venetian towns of China

Please visit  thestar.com, through LINKAGE:

Chinese Venice

>>>>>>Above Photographs of Wu Zhen, Xi Tang and Zhouzhuang;

kindly permitted by Mr. Chung Waikit of:

ProductDesignForums - WaikitChung.com


Further wonderful photographs of  Zhouzhuang [ 周庄 ] -
a small water town  near Shanghai,  kindly permitted by Bhapy Sun.
