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What more can YOU do to bridge the cultural gap:                                                                                        

Boatman going under a Chinese garden bridge, graphic.

Yes, for those of you, who find themselves visiting and re-visiting Chinese gardens; again & again, whether for viewing or being part of the scene, in activities provided for your education, enjoyment and relaxation...

Well, you can turn it into a vocation; yet you might still believe, some of us are a little crazy perhaps?

Still, what can YOU do to take being a visitor, to the next level of involvement ?

Garden's Calligraphy

Write yourselves into the scene.....

it is said of children, that the greatest gift you can give them is your time.

Chinese gardens are the ' brain child ' of Chinese literati scholars.

Most Chinese gardens around the globe, have a volunteer arrangement; encouraging community involvement.

Please, take it from one, who well knows...

Volunteerism in Chinese gardens, is very

for those who avail themselves of the opportunity.

Whether that involvement is in:

  • administrating
  • guiding
  • hosting
  • maintaining or
  • supporting

let me assure you, getting involved as a Chinese garden's volunteer;

is like encompassing a passion for Chinese Art Culture..

to become part of the scene...

Longing for Mountains & Water


Without adequate volunteers - problems can arise....

Please visit PortlandTribune, Oregon, United States of America, through LINKAGE:

" What is the following in the local Chinese community &                                                                                                 What is the ratio of Chinese volunteers ? "         

Whilst this was the situation, back in 2006 - it stands as a usefull warning; anywhere does it not ?   

Please visit Seattle Chinese Garden, through LINKAGE:

              HELP  THE  GARDEN

Please visit Missouri Botanical Garden - Chinese Garden, through LINKAGE:

              Volunteer opportunities in horticulture.      as an example;

And    - Please  visit the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, through LINKAGE:

              " The Joys of Volunteering..."

Fridge magnet of Chinesegardenscene.cn  &  .com
